75% of our student body is enrolled in the 21st Century Scholars program. PCRHS is committed to helping all of our 21st Century Scholars stay eligible for their award.
Students must sign up during their 7th or 8th-grade year. Learn more about enrollment and sign-up here. 21st Century Scholars are eligible to receive a full-tuition scholarship to any public Indiana college or university and a partial tuition scholarship to any private Indiana college or university.
There are several requirements that Scholars must fulfill to maintain eligibility for their scholarship. Providence Cristo Rey is committed to working with our students grade-by-grade to help them complete required activities. If a student or parent has any questions about ScholarTrack, the Scholar Success Program, or the scholarship please contact Sanjae Edmund, Academic Counselor, at mcondon@pcrhs.org or 317-860-1000 x 408
Click here to log on to ScholarTrack.
ScholarTrack Account Creation Steps:

After the ScholarTrack account is created, students can begin logging their Scholar Success Program activities. Each grade level has three activities to complete and log into ScholarTrack that will help them plan, prepare for, and pay for college. Each activity is built into the PCRHS student experience, so students do not have to worry about figuring out how to complete them.