Each student at Providence Cristo Rey is expected to put into practice their call to be a saint and further the Kingdom of God by working to live out the Sister of Providence Values Statements of Love, Mercy, Justice, and Care for Creation.
Providence Cristo Rey requires a total of 50 hours of service for graduation.
Service hours do not carry over to the next school year.
Freshman year -- 10 Hours
Sophomore year -- 10 Hours
Junior Year -- 15 Hours
Senior Year -- 15 Hours
Students can serve at the churches they attend, with a local non-profit, or during a Providence Cristo Rey event such as an athletic game or open house. Service hours cannot be completed for a family member.
Upon completing service hours, students should fill out and have signed a copy of the Christian Service Hours Report returned to Campus Minister, Mark Berghoff.
As a Catholic school rooted in the core values of Love, Mercy, and Justice, it is our duty to form students to become servant leaders and disciples of Christ Jesus to the world. This means forming students who will interact with the world around them through a lens of love, mercy, and justice.
The ultimate purpose of service as understood by the example set by Jesus Christ himself is to build relationships with those around us. The goal, then, is for students to understand that when we talk about “service” we are talking about forming/deepening relationships with people: family, friends, classmates, but also strangers, those in need, and even those whom we do not like.
We expect all our students to participate in community service activities such as:
Service Club
BLAST Service Trip during Spring Break
Service activities organized by the Student Council
Volunteering at Church
Day of Service
Helping around the school when needed
Supporting classmates and younger students
Furthermore, students will participate in a service-learning experience as part of their Theology class during their junior and senior year, focusing on living out our school’s commitment to service and social justice.