2017-18 Student Council Members Annouced
Congratulations to our 2017-18 student council officers and representatives!
President, Thomasina Smith
Vice President, Kayla Massy-Charles
Treasurer, Zaya Lumumba
Secretary, Neveah Wilson
Senior Class Co-Representative, Adriana Kimp
Senior Class Co-Representative, Johliel Austin
Junior Class Representative, Dyrashay Phelps
Sophomore Class Representative, Dajshauna Crisler
Freshman Class Representative, Journey Kilgore
After hearing that she had been elected vice president, Kayla Massy-Charles said, "I am so excited to get started! I can't wait for the rest of this year."
Thomasina Smith, newly elected president was just as happy to hear the news. "I am ecstatic! Kayla and I campaigned together, and I am very happy that we get to do this together during our senior year."

From left to right: Zaya Lumumba, Johiel Austin
Neveah Wilson
Kayla Massy-Charles, Adriana Kimp, Thomasina Smith, Dajshauna Cirsler, Journey Kilgore, Dyrashay Phelps