Catholic Schools Week 2018

Happy Catholic Schools Week! We are proud to be a Catholic school, and are so excited to celebrate this special aspect of our school.
We will be sharing all of our activities and photos from this week on this blog post. Keep checking back to see what we are up to this week!
Monday | Celebrate Your Community Day
We start every morning with all students and teachers gathered together for prayer and announcements. Our prayer today:
God our Maker, we praise you for the gift of community. Thank you for the communities in which we work and live. Thank you for the community that is your Body, the Church.
Fill us with your Spirit today so that, as one, we reflect your light and love to each other and to the world. In Christ we pray, Amen.
We also kicked off our canned food drive for Holy Family Shelter, a ministry for homeless families run by Catholic Charities Indianapolis and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Tuesday | Celebrate Your Students Day
Our morning prayer today:
Christ our Teacher, You dwell deep within each of our students: In those who struggle academically, and in those who excel; In those who seek attention by acting out, and in those who remain silent and try to hide from notice; In those surrounded by friends, and in those feeling lonely.
Give us the grace to know your presence in each of them and to respond to their needs as you would ours. Amen.
Last week, we had teachers and staff nominate students who best exemplified PRIDE (Prepared, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence). We recognized those students this morning.

Left to right: Jason Hernandez, Lesley Adame, Emanuel Casteneda, Toriana Minter, Destiny Anthony, Alexzander Johnson, Yoselin Martinez
Congratulations to these students! We are proud of your hard work, positive attitudes, and commitment to success!
Toriana Minter - freshman
Toriana Minter is an amazing 9th grader with a bright future ahead of her! Her smile and positive attitude leads her peers to success.
Toriona has already become very involved in the school through her work with the volleyball team and student council. She can regularly be seen encouraging other students to be respectful, and helps keep her classmates motivated.
Toriana is one of the most hard working students I have in class. She always takes initiative when it comes to homework
She is hard-working and reliable, as well as a good influence on the other students.
Emanuel Casteneda - freshman
Emanuel is a kind and considerate student who always asks how he can help his neighbor. He exemplifies PCRHS values because he is a hard worker, is always prepared, and seeks to make the world a better place.
Emanuel is always very respectful. He is determined to complete tasks even when they are difficult, and demonstrates excellence through his high grades and hard work. He is also the driving force behind getting a debate team started at Providence, which shows his commitment to making our school the best it can be.
Emanuel is an overachiever. He is always looking for self improvement academically and non-academically. He is a generous gentlemen who is willing to help out his peers.
He is on time, always prepared, does his work and is a pleasure to have in class.
Destiny Anthony - sophomore
Destiny Anthony is a wonderful friend and great student. She is always looking out for her peers and demonstrates a hard work ethic each and every day.
Destiny is always encouraging her classmates, is respected by her peers, and is a true role model and leader in the classroom.
Destiny's positive attitude affects everyone, even those who don't teach her.
Destiny always has a positive attitude. She is a great student ambassador!
Jacob Contreras - sophomore
Jacob works diligently on his classwork and goes above and beyond to make sure he understands a concept. He is very kind and respectful towards his peers. I love his curiosity in English class!
Jacob is always supportive of his fellow students.
Jacob always seems to get a smile out of people. He is always positive and uplifting to his classmates and teachers.
Jacob is hard working and reliable as well as a good influence on the other students.
Lesley Adame - junior
Lesley is one of the sweetest, and most driven students in the Junior class. Her commitment to success should be an example for all her fellow students. Her heart truly is in serving her community. Lesley has matured into a wonderful young lady.
Lesley is kind and understanding. She is also supportive to her fellow students.
She is hard-working and reliable as well as a good influence on the other students.
Jason Hernandez - junior
Jason is incredibly respectful and genuine. He is prepared for class and asks thoughtful questions during discussion. I admire how focused he is.
He exhibits a quiet strength and is a great example for other students to follow.
He is on time, always prepared, does his work, and is a pleasure to have in class.
Yoselin Martinez - senior
Yoselin has a progressive work ethic that is seen in and out of the classroom. She is always on top of her assignments. She is active in DECA (the business club) and has made it to state this year. She has many achievements and will continue to impress and astonish.
She is diligent, always prepared, always ready to work hard, and has a positive attitude.
Yoselin's economic business project was about using extra food and developing a feed the homeless program. It was a great idea that addressed to issues in our society, but more importantly it should me what kind of person Yoselin is. Someone who really sees a need and will find a way to help.
Alexzander Johnson - senior
Alex is a pleasure to have in class with his positive attitude and strong work ethic. He is a prolific writer and we should all be very excited about the future ahead of him. His kind spirit is a blessing to have in any classroom.
Alex is a kind person and overall great guy. He is respectful to his teachers and peers. I can honestly say he is living a life that Christ would want.
He is always up for a challenge, willing to work hard, and sets a good example for other students.
Everywhere we go, Alex always seems to get a smile out of people. He is always positive and uplifting to his classmates and teachers.
During lunches today we handed out treats to every student! Thank you to Ms. Pasotti and Ms. Potosnak for putting these bags together!
We have also just released our 1st Semester Honor Roll and Corporate Work Study honor lists! Congratulations to these students - we are so proud of your hard work last semester!

Wednesday | Celebrating Our Nation
Our morning prayer today:
O God, You have blessed our nation with a devotion to freedom. Through the ministry of Catholic education, You bring glad tidings to the poor and proclaim liberty to captives.
Free your people from all that enslaves us, and show us the way to full life in You. May Catholic schools continue to nurture the soul of our nation by forming children and families in faith, hope, love, and zeal for justice. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Did you know that we are part of a national network of Catholic high schools? There are 31 other Cristo Rey Network schools in the United States that serve 10,933 high school students.
Thursday | Celebrating Vocations
Our morning assembly prayer:
Loving Lord, Since before the time of Moses, you showed your eagerness to guide your people.
Thank you for your compassionate care. Today we ask that you will lead and bless us in our vocations so that - in our schools and in our homes, with our students, co-workers, family and friends - all we say and think and do brings you glory. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Our school is proud to have a partnership with two Catholic educator programs run by the University of Notre Dame, the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) and Echo.

We sat down with her to learn more about her calling to be an English teacher and why she decided to begin her career in Catholic education.
Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers who answered the calling to guide students in the classroom!