2018-19 Student Council Election Results
Congratulations to our 2018-19 Student Council members! Our officers and class representatives were officially announced on Friday, August 17.

2018-19 Student Council Officers
President: Taren Armour (center)
Vice President: Rayana Gowdy (left)
Secretary: Nevaeh Wilson (not pictured)
Treasurer: Reality Leath (right)

2018-19 Student Council Class Representatives
Freshman Class Representatives: Jocelynn Sanders (front row, right) and Willesia Johnson (front, center)
Sophomore Class Representatives: Isaiah Kimp (back, second from right) and Kevin Hughes (back, right)
Junior Class Representatives: Ashley Vasquez-Ramirez (back, left) and Leairra Carter (back, second from left)
Senior Class Representatives: Je'Kylah Smith (front, left)