Providence Cristo Rey Senior Named Dell Scholar

A Providence Cristo Rey High School senior, Taylor Scott, has been announced as a Dell Scholar. The Dell Scholars program targets first-generation, highly motivated students who demonstrate the drive to succeed despite personal obstacles. Scholars demonstrate a unique "GPA" of grit, potential, and ambition in their quest for a college education.
Dell Scholars receive a $20,000 scholarship, a Dell laptop, book stipend, and ongoing support for the financial, emotional, and life challenges that may prevent them from completing college. Dell Scholars are 25 percent more likely to earn their bachelor’s degrees within four to six years of high school graduation compared to students of similar socioeconomic backgrounds.
We sat down with Taylor to learn more about her future plans.
Congratulations, Taylor! We are so proud of you for becoming a Dell Scholar! Where do you plan to attend college next year?
I plan to attend Ball State University in Muncie. I've visited the campus twice in the last year and it really felt like the place for me. I was so excited the day I got the email letting me know that I was accepted!
What do you plan to study there?
I want to major in something healthcare related. What's interesting about that field is that you work directly with people to help them have better lives. Last summer, I attended a camp at the University of Indianapolis that helped me learn more about careers in healthcare and it made me feel like it was the right area to go into.
The Dell Scholars program looks for students who have three qualities: Grit, Potential, and Ambition. How you do think you fit those attributes?
One of the reasons I know I can succeed is because I can adapt to a lot of things. My mother is deaf and I am fluent in American Sign Language. I am the oldest child and I've helped her a lot with making sure we have everything we need. It isn't that much of a big deal to me anymore, but I know that it's not something everyone has to do when they are growing up.

What was it like to find out that you had received the scholarship?
The application process was long! We started it last fall and I knew I was a semi-finalist in December. I really have to thank Ms. Ward (PCR's College & Career Counselor) because she told me about it and helped with the process. So, I did a lot of work to apply and then had to wait for a few months to know for sure.
I knew what day they were going to announce, so I checked my email first thing that morning. As soon as I saw that I was accepted I prayed to thank God. It felt like a weight being lifted off.
What does it mean to you to have the financial part of college taken care of?
It means I know for sure that I can go to Ball State, which is my first choice of college. I wasn't sure I'd be able to afford going to that school because I would need to pay for my dorm and meal plan. All of that is covered now. I can even skip having to take out loans, which I know will help me in the future.
What are you most excited for in college?
I am excited to be on my own and make my own schedule. A big reason I am excited to be a Dell Scholar is that it means I can live on campus. My corporate work study job is with the University of Indianapolis, and it has taught me a lot about what college life is like. You get to meet people from all over the country and the world. I want to join student organizations and get involved on campus. I know that is a lot easier when you live right there.
What has been the best part of senior year?
So far, the best part has been getting my college acceptances! And now, knowing that I am a Dell Scholar.
To learn more about the Dell Scholars program, visit