The Power of Faith at Providence Cristo Rey
Article written by Ximena Garcia, PCR Class of 2027
Providence Cristo Rey has a well-established faith-based environment. Our school is welcoming to students of all religions and is ambitious when it comes to assisting students in growing in their faith. But what is the reason for this passion? How does faith benefit students?
Faith is the belief that God is there to guide us through the struggles we encounter in life. At PCR, faith is what empowers students to move toward success. Campus Ministry Director Mr. González tells us, “Faith plays a central role in everything we do at PCR. Our faith grounds us, centers us, and pushes us forward.”

Providence Cristo Rey implements the faith values of Love, Mercy, and Justice. These values are in place for students to connect with their community and evolve to become the best version of themselves. Our value of Love encourages students to promote a loving and caring atmosphere at our school. Students are moved to present the love of Christ through their actions. The value of Mercy uplifts students to sympathize with their peers. As humans, we are prone to make mistakes. The way we respond to our mistakes and the mistakes of others is highly impactful. As a result, PCR invigorates students to be tenderhearted with others. Justice promotes righteousness in our environment. Respecting and holding each other accountable allows for the fostering of integrity. These values build the character of PCR students, preparing them to lead in their lives after high school. Our students following these values daily convey a cherish-able high school experience.

Through the eyes of students, faith is a form of obtaining strength to succeed in school. Sophomore Gabriel Castellanos explains that his faith brings him comfort and encouragement in school. Gabriel experiences the stress of performing well in his classes, while also managing multiple extracurricular activities such as Student Council and Track.
“School isn’t easy,” Gabriel began, “I need that reminder that God is there. God is there to calm my worries.”
“I need that reminder that God is there. God is there to calm my worries.”
Specifically, Gabriel explains to us how he uses faith to prepare for an exam. Exams are tense, provoking emotions of anxiety and pressure. He mentions how he prays to God to help him remember what he studied. Additionally, he uses his faith to acquire reassurance and confidence to do well. His faith guides him through the nerve-wracking situation, enabling him to achieve satisfactory results.
“…and when I see that good grade, that’s when I see the importance of faith.” he beamed.
Gabriel is continuously interested in enriching his faith and helping others to do so as well. He gives the advice, “Always put God first because he will act in your favor.”
Similarly, Sophomore Nicole Garcia-Andalon uses her faith to perform well in academics and to see the good in other people. She reveals her worry about her grades due to the classroom workload and constant tests. Nonetheless, she trusts that God is seeking what will lead her toward success. At the same time, her faith makes her able to understand others, placing herself in their shoes.
“Faith to me is the peace of knowing who our Father is."

“Faith to me is the peace of knowing who our Father is. Lots can be happening in our lives that can lead us to feel overwhelmed, but our Father already knows how and when victory will happen. Faith is almost like the warmth and security you feel when you’re in your parent's arms. Toddlers don’t worry about how their parents will provide for them, they just know they will. Nevertheless, when our circumstances seem dire, not only will our perfect, loving God drive us through them, but He will exceed our expectations and fill our cup to the brim.” Nicole explains.
In addition, Nicole conveys that she relates most to the value of Mercy. She explains how she prioritizes helping not just others grow, but herself too. She gives herself grace and accentuates taking care of herself.
Nicole had the opportunity to attend the BLAST 2024 Summer Trip. BLAST is an annual service trip Providence Cristo Rey hosts. The trip encourages students to develop their relationship with God and share his love by giving back to the community.
“The trip exposed me to the injustices in the world that are unheard of . Those you don't experience or expect others to experience,” said Nicole.
BLAST allowed her to see people as their own person. We are all humans with our own joys and battles, which Nicole grasped to recognize. She shares her gratitude for the trip as she enjoyed and was able to learn from the experience.
Faith is significant in motivating students to reach their full potential. The action of being dependent on God leads to greatness. Providence Cristo Rey’s efforts to flourish the faith of students is honored through the positive outcomes. Faith does not limit students to only achieve excellence in the present. It allows them to also excel in their lives after high school. Furthermore, Mr. González expresses how he feels fortunate in assisting students in growing their faith.
“I love to see how our students are open to growing in their faith and exploring different aspects of their relationship with God while they are at PCR..."
“I love to see how our students are open to growing in their faith and exploring different aspects of their relationship with God while they are at PCR, and it's a huge blessing to be able to walk alongside them in their journeys of faith,” stated Mr. González.

There is no doubt Providence Cristo Rey will continuously take pride in supporting students on their spiritual path. The emphasis on faith will persist in strengthening current and future PCR students.
The PCRHS Storytellers Club is a student-led team that captures and shares the stories of our school through journalism, photography, design, and social media, showcasing the voices and achievements of our community.