Our goal is for all students to provide the best first impression of themselves throughout the community. Students meet business executives, community leaders, parents, teachers, and even prospective students nearly every day.
Nuestro objetivo es que todos los estudiantes brinden la mejor primera impresión de sí mismos en toda la comunidad. Los estudiantes se reúnen con ejecutivos de negocios, líderes comunitarios, padres, maestros e incluso estudiantes potenciales casi todos los días.
Our school uniform provider is School Zone | Nuestro proveedor de uniformes escolares es School Zone
To see our online uniform store, go to | Para ver nuestra tienda de uniformes en línea, visite:
New students with financial needs may qualify for assistance after submitting all necessary financial aid paperwork.
Los nuevos estudiantes con necesidad financiera pueden calificar para recibir asistencia después de presentar toda la documentación necesaria para la ayuda financiera.

Proper Attire for Young Men Shirts
Official PCRHS uniform long or short sleeve oxford shirt (white or blue) or uniform polo. All shirts must always be tucked in and completely buttoned except for the top button, which may be left unbuttoned.
Undershirts must be solid white, opaque, and contain no visible words or graphics. (A small designer graphic/brand mark over the right or left breast is acceptable.) Undershirts may be long sleeve but not visible at the cuffs under a long sleeve dress shirt, otherwise, undershirts must be short-sleeved or sleeveless.
May wear bowties or ties to school or CWS.
PCRHS Awarded T-Shirts
Shirts awarded for academic honors, and extracurricular success are only permitted to be worn on Spirit Fridays or days designated by the administration. School hoodies can ONLY be worn during spirit wear Fridays.
PCRHS uniform 1/4 zip, cardigans, or vests are the only sweaters/ jackets permitted. A collared shirt needs to be worn under all PCR uniform sweaters. No holes are allowed.
Dress pants in navy or black are permissible. No other color of pants is allowed.
Denim and cargo pants are not allowed. Skinny jeans or pants yoga pants, leggings, stretch pants, joggers, capris, etc. are NOT allowed.
A brown, black, or navy belt (must be worn at all times if your pants have belt loops).
Matching, dress socks must be worn at all times underneath pant legs.
Ladies- Matching, dark-colored dress socks or solid color (white or black) opaque tights or pantyhose may be worn with PCRHS uniform skirts. Lace, patterned hoses, or leg warmers aren’t allowed.
Make-up is not allowed, except to cover a tattoo.
Ladies- Make-up needs to be applied lightly and be of natural color.
Take pride in your appearance and present yourself in a professional manner. Standard practices include showering, shaving, using deodorant, brushing teeth, combing hair, washing and ironing clothes, and applying cologne sparingly.
Proper Attire for Young Ladies Shirts/Dresses/Skirts
Undershirts, camisoles, brassieres, and other undergarments must be a solid color, opaque (not see-through), and contain no visible words or graphics. (A small designer graphic/brand mark over the right or left breast is acceptable.) Undershirts may be long sleeve but not visible at the cuffs under a long sleeve dress shirt, otherwise, undershirts must be short-sleeved or sleeveless. Shirts must be loose-fitting. Cleavage should never be visible. All dresses or skirts must be knee length, with the bottom of the skirt/dress touching the middle of the knee on all sides.
Outerwear & Backpacks
Coats, raincoats, jackets, and blankets may not be worn during the school day, or at work.
Backpacks or backpack purses are not to be worn/carried during the academic school day. Ladies are permitted to carry a small 4x5 handbag if needed.
Non-Religious Head Coverings
Hats, hoods, bandanas, or do-rags are not to be worn in the school building at any time.
Headbands are limited to 3 inches in width and must be a solid color. Neutral-colored scarves and hair wraps can be worn in a professional manner.
Students may wear small (not larger than 5mm/1 carat) stud earrings. Students may wear small (not larger than 1mm/.005 carat) stud nose piercing. No other visible piercings are allowed. No excessive body jewelry is allowed (e.g. numerous necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, no large hoop earrings). Necklaces or chains must not be visible on the outside of clothing.
Body Art
All tattoos must be covered by clothing and/or make-up.
Dress shoes including canvas slip-on shoes are allowed ONLY. No fabric-soled moccasin, flip-flop, sandal, or slipper-like shoes allowed. Dress boots are permitted; construction boots or thick-soled boots are not allowed. No tennis or athletics shoes are allowed.
Ladies- Heels should be no more than 3.5 inches in height. Dress boots must not be higher than the bottom of the knee.
Nail Polish
Fingernails should be of an appropriate length that does not interfere with academics or work. Nail polish is only allowed for young ladies.
Hair must be natural colors (blondes, reds, browns, and blacks). Hair needs to be out of the eyes, off the collar, and be professional neat, and clean. Facial hair needs to be clean and neatly trimmed.
*** The school uniform policy also applies to students’ workdays unless specific written permission is granted through the Corporate Work Study Office. Your job may be reassigned if you are not following any part of the professional PCRHS dress code.
*** For special occasions, adjustments may be made to this dress code at the discretion of school leadership.